Yamato Ishida (gabumon)

27 May 2011 at 23:33 (DIGIMON)

Yamato Ishida (gabumon)

Yamato “Matt” Ishida, simply known as Yamato Ishida, is a Fictional character in the anime and manga series Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. Although his first name is “Yamato”, he primarily goes by his dub-given nickname, Matt. First appearing in the movie Digimon Adventure (1999), Matt has made ​​regular Appearances in the television series as a main character and other supplementary Also in Medias.

animation heroes All Heroes,enemies Carton and animation in the best in the world…….
Yamato Ishida (gabumon)
As one of the DigiDestined, Matt is partnered with Gabumon and is Also the rightful holder of the Crest of Friendship. He is the older brother of fellow DigiDestined TK Takaishi.
animation heroes All Heroes,enemies Carton and animation in the best in the world…….
Yamato Ishida (gabumon)
Digimon Gabumon evolution video :
animation heroes All Heroes,enemies Carton and animation in the best in the world…….
Yamato Ishida (gabumon)

Matt is regarded as “cool” by his peers and seen as a “born rebel” who “prefers to do Things his own way.” However, he cans be passionate and emotional as well. Behind his façade, Matt has an “introspective, sensitive side”that comes through around his younger brother is TK Takaishi, whom he is fiercely protective of.He takes Caution in the Digital World and Often clashes with Tai Kamiya Because of the latter’s recklessness.He Also Pls TK gets upset unconsciously follows Tai’s orders.Matt owns a Harmony and it frequently plays Pls he is resting.
animation heroes All Heroes,enemies Carton and animation in the best in the world…….
Yamato Ishida (gabumon)
Matt lives with his father alone in Odaiba due to a Divorce Between his parents.This leads to an awkward relationship Between his mother and Himself, as he feels That They treat more as Strangers EACH other instead of family, as well as pressures to prioritize uterus TK’s safety., there was a dub error indicates Nowhere Matt That They are half-brothers Pls They were the resource persons in fact full brothers.
animation heroes All Heroes,enemies Carton and animation in the best in the world…….
Yamato Ishida (gabumon)
In the sequel, Digimon Adventure 02, Matt Becomes more mature and easy-going. He forms a band with three other classmates Called the Teen-age Wolves (stylized TEEN-AGE Wolves) and is Their lead vocalist and bassist.
animation heroes All Heroes,enemies Carton and animation in the best in the world…….
Yamato Ishida (gabumon)

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Tai Chi and Agumon

2 February 2011 at 10:45 (DIGIMON)

http://animationheroes.blogspot.com/     Digimon Agumon Leader of adventurers and the protagonist group, Tai was always the first to jump into the action, though often cast him into the path of danger. Is the first Digimon Agumon digivolve into Champion form (Greymon). However, he “I never changed my mind” the ambition to get Agumon to digivolve into Ultimate form soon gets him into trouble. Eleven first-year tender Agumon with food. Over the next battle, Tai accidentally walked into the hazard, knew that would Greymon digivolve since he was in difficulties. However, not Greymon darkdigivolves to SkullGreymon, viral partners, and cause disasters, raging around and take Garurumon, Birdramon and Kabuterimon before setbacks become Koromon fatigue. As a result, they lose confidence in them until Piximon come and help them out. They realize that they need to stay strong and always come back after suffering defeat.
In the final battle with Etemon, Tai see the tops of courage shine and once again walked to the danger, in which Datamon kidnapped Sora to clone users and their power to destroy his captors. Greymon right behind him. This time, Greymon successfully saw courage Tai, he digivolves to MetalGreymon and destroy Etemon (but not for long), and he finds Sora. Tai then made him promise that he would not let anything bad happen to him. However, the destruction Etemon’s results in the formation of dimensional warp. Tai and MetalGreymon enter the warp, which causes them to return to the Real World and allows Tai home. Tai experiencing an explosion, sit back and relax, but when the news came on, he admitted some of the Digimon in the Real World. He received a message from Izzy, who warned him not to come back to the Digital World, but Tai knew that he should return to fix the balance. When Tai see Ogremon, Koromon digivolves to Agumon warp dimension and open. Agumon and Tai stuck through and once again re-enter the Digital World.
After his re-entry, Tai found severe disarray. Time moves more quickly, and months have passed in the Digital World. The whole team has been damaged, especially to seek it, and move their separate ways. Tai first place T.K. and then connects with the Matt and Joe at a restaurant. Piece by piece, he gathered the group together.
Now, Myotismon has emerged as the next big threat, and he was looking for DigiDestined eighth child. The DigiDestined chase him into the Real World. Wizardmon find Digivice and brings together the top and Kari and Gatomon. Gatomon digivolves to Myotismon Angewomon and defeat,
but he came back as VenomMyotismon. The digidestined believe that the key to defeating VenomMyotismon is to have Angemon and Angewomon Tai and Matt shot with arrows of hope and light. Both agreed, and Gabumon and Agumon warpdigivolve to MetalGarurumon and WarGreymon, both VenomMyotismon defeat. The DigiDestined surprised to see the Digital World appear in the sky. All eight of them to open another warp and back to the Digital World to restore the balance.
Dark Masters emerged as the main enemy, and he reveals that they are the ones who bent and rebuilt the Digital World. During this part, Matt and Tai developed a serious split in their friendship, which culminated into a big battle involving their level of Mega Digimon. Matt leaves the group for a short while to re-evaluate his place in it. After beating three of the four Dark Masters, Tai get everyone together as a group to fight Piedmon, the last of four. Showing foresight is correct, he refused to let the others digivolve in the battle against LadyDevimon, bodyguard Piedmon, because he wanted to save their strength for the final battle. He also sends Sora and T.K. to collect Mimi, Joe, and Matt, who all left the group to find themselves. In the end, their victory over Piedmon, but take from Angemon Digivolution into MagnaAngemon to do so. He leads a group of Apocalymon and so he was defeated, Tai and others have to say goodbye to their friends Digimon.

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